Telia Ethics & Compliance

  • Alastair Jones
  • Jim Lundblad
  • Dylan Parry
  • Carl Baldwin
Wolff Olins designed the corporate code of conduct for employees at Swedish telco company, Telia.
We were briefed to engage 26,000 employees over 13 countries in a code of conduct, a challenging task, and a test of the new creative expression.
For Telia, we saw it as an opportunity to nurture an internal culture based on responsibility and positivity.
We created “Don’t Do This At Work”. A series of playful stories in the format of the animated gif about what you “shouldn’t” do at work.
This project came off the back of an extensive rebrand for Telia. Wolff Olins created the new creative expression, with a new colour palette, new display typeface and wordmark, and updated logo.
We worked with illustrator Julian Glander, to create beautiful animated gifs using the punchy Telia colour palette and rounded pebble style. These perfectly matched the tone we were after.
It was important the language was caring and human. We curated the content to make it accessible to every employee. Each Don’t was accompanied by practical, transparent advice, for instance what it meant for the employee and what it meant Telia.
Content was designed around the user reading habits. Our inhouse copywriter did an amazing job to simplify the language and break it down into snackable chunks. It was scannable allowing the user to dip in and out when needed, yet encourage exploration by clear signposting to relevant chapters.
To keep up momentum and traffic to the site, we also created a newspaper, Rubix cube, and a teaser game with our friend and sound designer Karl Sadler.
In the first 8 weeks, 20,000 staff had viewed the code. The work was also a finalist in the Fast Company Innovation by Design awards and won a D&AD pencil.
Campbell Butler
Calle Enstrom
Carl Baldwin
Caroline Goodwin
Dylan Parry
Kriszta Matyi
Karl Sadler
Julian Glander