Can you look after yourself whilst hustling to the top of the fashion and design world? Is the journey different for women? Is the journey different for men? Are we all the same? "CREATIVE PEOPLE HAVE LONG BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH MENTAL ILLNESS. AN IMAGE OF THE ‘TORTURED ARTIST’ COMES TO MIND. DOES THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY ATTRACT SUCH INDIVIDUALS OR DOES IT CREATE THEM?" NOT JUST A LABEL On 12th June, we're creating a space for freelancers and busy business owners to join the debate on self-care and mental health in the fashion and design world. Our events are all about meeting people like you, who want to open up about the 'elephant in the room' topics affecting fashion, and we can't keep pretending wellbeing and mental health don't matter. Exchange tips on taking care of you, while running the busy life of business and freelancing. Does a balance exist? How do you achieve it? Why does gender play a part (does it play a part)? We are bringing back our Self Care series, but this time, all genders are welcome (last time it was a woman's only event). We're bringing men and women into this space to discuss the reality of mental wellbeing as it affects us all. It's a chance to open up about hidden gender biases, learn how we can support each other in the cut-throat, fast-paced fashion and design world and remove self-limiting beliefs whilst (aiming) for a better life balance.