I have partnered with Marionnaud and Superdrug to create augmented reality lipstick try-on effects for Valentine’s day. This AR filter allows users to discover different product ranges, ‘try on’ different lipsticks, decide which colour they like the most and even purchase it. The series of effects were realised on Instagram and Facebook as organic filters but also on Facebook as an AR AD. Augmented Reality ads allow users to go straight from trying stage to purchase, with one click. Try on Ads, especially when the rollout starts on Instagram are a future of shopping, with technological advances like hand, finger and body tracking, soon the customer will be able to see themselves wearing the whole outfit before purchasing. And thanks to technologies like Lidar, depth scanning and occlusion, users will be able to visualise every item in their house before purchasing from lamps and plants to sofas and wallpapers. This project was rollout for Superdrug in the UK and Marionnaud in 8 different markets, Italy, France, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Switzerland and Austria. Each of them had a different brand shade of lipstick combination, in total 4 different lipstick brands and 36 colours. Social AR and Web AR are perfect platforms for AR ads because it utilises apps that clients already have on their phone. It’s really hard to convince people to download new app especially when the whole purpose of it is to sell them stuff, but AR ads on FB or IG allows users to quickly engage with the product and makes the purchase effortless. I hope this year we will see a rollout of Instagram AR ads which will shift augmented reality advertising and marketing to the mainstream. You can try the effects here: Superdrug https://www.instagram.com/ar/1012060382619296 Marionnaud FR https://www.instagram.com/ar/235800494664864 Marionnaud AT https://www.instagram.com/ar/1435350060142263 Marionnaud It https://www.instagram.com/ar/879413176207559 Marionnaud CH https://www.instagram.com/ar/739179070055036 Marionnaud SK https://www.instagram.com/ar/794059474880497 Marionnaud Hu https://www.instagram.com/ar/197083798788408 Marionnaud Ro https://www.instagram.com/ar/345158093141295 Marionnaud Cz https://www.instagram.com/ar/433947361289311