Aston Reid Taylor Howe

Aston Reid Taylor Howe

CuratorUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Rachelle Cox
Molly Daniel
Aston Reid Taylor Howe

Aston Reid Taylor Howe

CuratorUnited Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Akin Magazine - 5 Graduates from NUA that you should know about.
    Akin Magazine - 5 Graduates from NUA that you should know about.I was recently asked to be a part of an online article by Akin Magazine in collaboration with Norwich University of the Arts. The article features 5 artists profiles of graduating students in 2020 including myself! It's great to see local business supporting creatives.
  • A Study in Portraiture: Callum
    A Study in Portraiture: CallumA final major project shoot focused on exploring male portraiture; a study intending to analyse the distinctive structure and facial features of the male face and the expression of emotion and masculinity. Focused on producing black and white images, the aim is to utilise light and shadows to create striking portraits that represent the individual as well as their personality attributes and characteristics.
  • 'Beyond the Frame' :
    'Beyond the Frame' :Last year Norwich University of the Arts hosted their annual degree shows from the 25th June - 3rd July. I exhibited alongside the BA (Hons) Photography course in the exhibition 'Beyond the Frame', presenting my series ‘Conjunction’ (2018). My work consisted of six flush-mounted photographic prints and a thirty-four page photobook. The piece flowed from left to right with six flush mounted prints following the curve of the gallery wall met by an acrylic-topped plinth displaying a final photoboo
Work history
    United KingdomFreelance
  • Exhibit Design
  • Photo Editing
  • Photography
  • Curating
  • Project Management
  • Film Photography
  • Model Making
  • Set Construction
    Master of Arts in Curating Norwich University of the arts
     - Norwich, United Kingdom
    Leeds Arts University logo
    Leeds Arts University logo
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons) PhotographyLeeds Arts University
     - Leeds, United Kingdom