Catarina Bernardi

Catarina Bernardi

Graphic DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Denise Chippindale
Nene Parsotam
Catarina Bernardi

Catarina Bernardi

Graphic DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I'm Catarina, born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. I moved to London in 2017 to pursue my BA (Hons) in Illustration and Visual Media at the London College of Communication - University of the Arts London. I'm interested in visual communication and found my space within creative agencies, working mainly with graphic design and art direction.
  • Becoming Pamella
    Becoming PamellaThe lastest Vagina Nomics issue is on the topics of gender roles, stereotypes and performativity. I spoke to Fernando Aquino, a trans man who performs as the drag queen, Pamella Sapphic, about his experiences and views on the drag world and its contributions to the rupture of gender stereotypes. This conversation then went to the article “Becoming Pamella”, that also has a visual essay that gives an insight into his transformation.
  • #WaterForGold at Emergence - LCC x London Design Festival
    #WaterForGold at Emergence - LCC x London Design Festival#WaterForGold is a campaign developed for a WaterAid life brief. It shows how water, sanitation, and hygiene can be as expensive as gold for various people around the world. It is aimed at the London viewer, using a language that evokes an empathetic response and relates to aspects of everyday life of the viewer. The Emergence is an exhibition that is part of the London Design Festival and takes place at the London College of Communication. Students and staff took part in creating projects tha
Projects credited in
  • Vagina-nomics #2
    Vagina-nomics #2Vagina-nomics Issue #2 is focused on the theme of gender and the relationships between masculinity and femininity. It uncovers the historical context of how the stereotypes were developed, talks about the naming of genders and what such classification is forcing us to do.
Work history
    CosaVostra logo
    CosaVostra logo
    Creative DesignerCosaVostra
    London, United KingdomPart Time
    CosaVostra logo
    CosaVostra logo
    Junior Creative DesignerCosaVostra
    London, United KingdomInternship
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  • Art
  • Illustration
  • Art Direction
  • Photography
  • Concept Creating
  • Creative Conceptualisation
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • French
  • Video Editing
  • Research Projects
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    BA (Hons) Illustration and Visual MediaUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
    London, United Kingdom
    Technician for Graphic DesignEPA (Escola Panamericana de Arte)
     - São Paulo, Brazil