Cecilia Linares

Cecilia Linares

Cretive ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Giorgio Gremigni
Nicola Gastaldi
Cecilia Linares

Cecilia Linares

Cretive ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
  • Burger King - Not So Normal Mornings
    Burger King - Not So Normal MorningsShort-doc branded content campaign for the launch of the new breakfast menu at Burger King.
  • 'Lead not Leave' Gordon Brown speech for the Eu Referendum
    'Lead not Leave' Gordon Brown speech for the Eu ReferendumGordon Brown explains the reason why Great Britain would have been stronger in Europe. e lm reached over 5M views in less than a week.
    ADIDAS X OLIVIA OBLANCProducer of the Adidas commercial in collaboration with designer Olivia Oblanc produced by Dazed Studio and directed by Stephen Isaac.
  • Dazed&Confused - The Swimming Pool Club - TAGS
    Dazed&Confused - The Swimming Pool Club - TAGSThis is a short documentary about London’s only trans* swimming club. It will tell the story of TAGS (Trans And Gender-non-conforming Swimmers) - an inspiring group of individuals who struggled against the tides of the status-quo to affect positive change for their community.
  • 'Lobster Dinner' Director Gregorio Franchetti - Columbia University NY
    'Lobster Dinner' Director Gregorio Franchetti - Columbia University NYLobster Dinner is a short film directed by Gregorio Franchetti from Columbia University NY. "Left home alone for dinner, a 12-year-old kid steals his parents’ live lobsters and takes them to the single mother of a working class school friend, only to claim in her house a place that goes well beyond that of a dinner seat." Entirely set during a mundane school-day evening in Rome, Lobster Dinner is about the journey of misunderstandings, betrayals and loss of innocence of two twelve-year-old friends from different social classes who are put at odds by their respective quests for manhood.
  • NOMAD - Clan Collective
    NOMAD - Clan CollectiveI am one of the Producer of an Artistic Collective called Clan. NOMAD' is our first project. NOMAD is a music video and fashion film, in which a dancer performs a journey from tribal to contemporary street dance in an atmospheric, empty theatre. Through monochrome silhouettes, shadows and shapes, the choreographed performance grows in violence and intensity, building from primal to visceral krump.
Projects credited in
  • TAGS: The Swimming Club
    TAGS: The Swimming Clubhttps://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/36935/1/the-transgender-swimming-club-making-waves DIRECTED + PRODUCED | Cecilia Golding and Nick Finegan DOP | Oliver Ford EDITOR | Enrico Poli PRODUCED | Angelica Riccardi and Cecilia Linares SCORE | Jeremy Warmsley SOUND DESIGNER | Peregrine Andrews SOUND RECORDIST | Richard Gott FIRST AC | Evan Trout SECOND AC | Hannah Jell STEADICAM | Ilana Garrard GAFFER | Tom Nowell RUNNER | Amanda Ajufo ART WORK | Max Goffe
  • Fishermen's Conversations
    Fishermen's ConversationsImagine a postcard-perfect village, with light blue seas and amazing architecture. Now imagine hundreds of eager tourists trying to experience that beauty by partying. ‘Fishermen’s Conversations’ offers a bleak outlook into the struggles of traditional fishing. Within a small community in the Mediterranean we see the importance of family, of community, of memory; surrounded by the never-ending supply of fresh tourists creating a strange and often quite noisy obstacle for the fishermen.
  • LOW HEAT Season 3 Film
    LOW HEAT Season 3 FilmCelebrating the next gen of local music culture in this weekly get-together, these are the artists that made LOW HEAT Season 3.
Work history
    Silverfish Media logo
    Silverfish Media logo
    Development & ProductionSilverfish Media
     - Turnmill St, London, UKFreelance
    Imperial College London logo
    Imperial College London logo
    ProducerImperial College London
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    The Dont Love You is an independent marketing magazine I ve been writing for and collaborating with throughout this year. Clan Collective is an artistic collective of creatives, all with experience in different areas and art forms, to collaborate on audio visual projects.
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  • TV
  • Art Direction
  • TV Film Commercial
  • Film Production
  • Pre Production
  • Production Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Production Assistant
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Creative Thinking
  • Excel
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Word
  • Problem Solver
  • Pragmatic and Creative Approach
    Creative Strategy&planing
     - London, United Kingdom
    Ba Hons Advertising