Coral Movasseli

Coral Movasseli

Founder, All in TechLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Livia Lifes
Shakira Kirby-Joseph
Coral Movasseli

Coral Movasseli

Founder, All in TechLondon, United Kingdom
  • The Future of the Metaverse
    The Future of the MetaverseRegister interest here: The metaverse is still a very nascent field and we are collectively learning and experimenting how best to leverage it. Join us for an engaging and interactive session that delves deeper into the Metaverse. WE WILL COVER: What is the metaverse? How to create an inclusive metaverse? How can brands build relevance in augmented and virtual worlds? WHAT YOU WILL GAIN: Learn more about the metaverse Engage in dialogues with our expert speakers Meet
  • Microaggressions workshop
    Microaggressions workshopThis session is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to proactively identify and address microaggressions in the workplace and beyond. Microaggressions are everyday slights and indignities - often quite subtle or even unintentional, and can be hidden behind jokes or banter. But their impact is real, undermining one’s sense of self and belonging. Reducing its harm is critical to cultivating a healthy and inclusive workplace. This interactive session is for: 1) Anyone who
Projects credited in
  • The Future of the Metaverse
    The Future of the MetaverseRegister interest here: The metaverse is still a very nascent field and we are collectively learning and experimenting how best to leverage it. Join us for an engaging and interactive session that delves deeper into the Metaverse. WE WILL COVER: What is the metaverse? How to create an inclusive metaverse? How can brands build relevance in augmented and virtual worlds? WHAT YOU WILL GAIN: Learn more about the metaverse Engage in dialogues with our expert speakers Meet
    The London School of Economics logo
    The London School of Economics logo
    Master's of ScienceThe London School of Economics
     - London, United Kingdom