Dan Fryer

Dan Fryer

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Mike Piggott
Ella Violetta
Chris Jarvis
Dan Fryer

Dan Fryer

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • #SeaShanty
    #SeaShantySpotted at the turn of the year, we blew up the Sea Shanty trend in-app to become one of the biggest social trends of the year. Our main protagonist, Nathan Evans, became the face of ‘ShantyTok’, with the song ‘The Wellerman’ reaching a global audience off the back of the trend counting millions of views, impressions and engagements across all our key channels. The Sea Shanty campaign broke records in 2021. Oh... and The Wellerman debuted at #1 in countries all over Europe.
  • Spread A Wish Further
    Spread A Wish FurtherBrief Create a global fundraising moment, aimed at the wider Chinese diaspora, during Spring Festival. Idea Instead of using UNICEF’s existing content, we created an animation to ensure we maintained a celebratory tone that was fitting for the time of year. Bringing to life the magical possibilities of red packets; we empowered our audience to spread their wishes further than ever before, far beyond the walls of their family home.