Dan Gregory

Dan Gregory

Executive Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Natalie Grover
Ioana Iancu
Dan Gregory

Dan Gregory

Executive Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • BP Employer Branding Campaign (Havas People)
    BP Employer Branding Campaign (Havas People)I was hired by Havas People as the lead strategist delivering end-to-end content planning on the BP employer social media branding campaign. The drive saw a plan of content that supported the ABTL activity and the new IT&S strategy campaign. All activity was activated on BP's career channels across Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to attract more women and IT professionals to BP careers. My role included the following stages: 1. Identifying the brands' career heritage to tell a more in-depth s
  • Whitbread 'Female Chefs' Campaign
    Whitbread 'Female Chefs' CampaignIt ain’t easy being a woman in a professional kitchen. Not only is the job bloody hard work, you’ve got to deal with the gender divisions created by a male-dominated environment. Our #ThinkLikeAChef campaign aimed to give women the confidence to celebrate the chef-like qualities they already possess - and encourage them to take the leap. But of course, we still needed to try and tackle some of the problems that have made this so difficult.That’s why we encouraged Whitbread to take action on In