Eric King

Eric King

Multidisciplinary ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Brendan McKnight
Faith Aylward
Eric King

Eric King

Multidisciplinary ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am an artist working with various media, primarily digital processes involving images, sound and video. I am a graduate of Camberwell College of Arts (UAL) with a BA in Photography.
  • 'The Edge' - Creativity Works: Visual Storytelling with Magnum Photos
    'The Edge' - Creativity Works: Visual Storytelling with Magnum PhotosBrief: What's your London? 'The Edge' The project was formed through an experimental process of exploring the area around the artist’s home. Focussing on the suburbs – a part of London less observed – the project evolved through a process of making photographs along the rural/urban edges. The one image chosen to be on display in the exhibition depicts an intersection of the human element with nature, a hint, which leaves the viewer wondering. This resonates with the feelings of the artist, als
Projects credited in
  • Eric, 2019
    Eric, 2019A test shoot.
  • Creativity Works- Visual storytelling with  Magnum Photos
    Creativity Works- Visual storytelling with Magnum PhotosThe Pursuit Drawing inspiration from Photographers such as Gordon parks and Diana Markostain. The Pursuit is a documentary style photo series shot and edited by Randy Mankoto. It highlights concepts of faith and community of people within his church. He felt that this was an important and unique story to tell seeing, as London is filled with millions of people with multitude of beliefs. His pictures are a mixture of interior and exterior scenes which looks at moments of reflection and intimacy;
  • Creativity Works: Visual Storytelling
    Creativity Works: Visual StorytellingA 6-week photography program for Londoners aged 18 to 24 years old, mentored by Sohrab Hura. This intensive course seeks to equip London’s young creative talent with the connections, skills, knowledge and inspiration to tell stories that are important to them and that inform and impact social change. Through a range of practical workshops and activities, critique sessions and talks, twenty-five young Londoners will develop their own visual language and the skills required to understand photogra
Work history
    Create Jobs logo
    Create Jobs logo
    Creativity Works: Visual Storytelling TraineeCreate Jobs
    London, United KingdomInternship
  • Photoshop
  • Video Art
  • Audio Editing
  • Sound Art