Ewan McDonald

Ewan McDonald

Product DesignerDundee, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Callum Laird
Rory Brooke
Ewan McDonald

Ewan McDonald

Product DesignerDundee, United Kingdom
  • The Collective-Eat Project
    The Collective-Eat ProjectThe Concept The Collective Eat Project is a collection of three interventions that facilitate social connections through food and interaction. Accompanied by experimental and seasonal menus, strangers engage in unique experiences together for conversation opportunities. The Research Numerous design research methods were applied to explore food’s role in social situations. As the project was user-centred, body storming, prototypes and more were explored. Surveys and interviews provided a base
  • Aberlour Whisky - Packaging
    Aberlour Whisky - PackagingPackaging designed for Aberlour's distillery bottles with inspiration from Dundee's V&A Scottish museum. Taking the stained glass from 'The Oak Room', the packaging is a blend between traditional and modern materials, using Oak veneer, Acrylic, Copper paint and exposed MDF, all with consideration for mass production. Going to the Aberlour Distillery helped keep the project in line with the whisky brand and provided exciting first-hand research.
  • Genre Speaker
    Genre SpeakerSecond Year Speaker Project that provided introduction into wiring. The Genre Speaker was a concept that would use RFID chips in everyday objects to chose the genre of music you listen to. A coffee cup tapped on top could play wake-up jazz, a water bottle could play gym techno, and a makeup brush could play pop music. The idea would allow for the user to connect their playlists to different objects.
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Work history
    AutoCAD TechnicianOgilve Construction
    Dundee, United KingdomPart Time
    My first step into the AutoCAD Industry is adapting construction drawings using Adobe. I’m currently the only person working for Oglivie with the ability to do this, which provides me with great experience, both with AutoCAD and working in a professional industry.
    Station ManagerDundee University Student Association
     - Dundee, United KingdomPart Time
    I was the Manager of Dundee University’s student radio, which was a volunteer position. Here, I helped continue to make radio relevant for students, managing a team of over 70, as well as coordinating events which raised £2000 for charity. Social media and marketing was a large part of the role, teaching me valuable skills in both. This was a position which really helped me form myself as a professional. Working with a large team, meeting deadlines, emails and workshops, all while attending my studies was a challenge, but not one that wasn’t rewarded, as I gained experience I would find hard to get elsewhere.
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Abobe Illustrator
  • Fusion360
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Project Management
  • User Research
  • UX Design
  • Sketching Ideation
  • Problem Solving
  • Design Thinking