Fidel Stehr

MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Vikki Ross
Nikky Lyle

Fidel Stehr

MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
GiaoAnChanTroiSangTao.com - Thư viện giáo án Chân trời sáng tạo mới nhất, đầy đủ các môn học bao gồm các lớp 1, lớp 2, lớp 6 cho giáo viên và học sinh tham khảo.
Projects credited in
    ACUVUE GLOBALHow to convert consumers who only wear glasses over to Acuvue contact lenses? Show them that contacts aren’t as scary as they seem and they’re totally worth it! However, the challenge was that although this audience knew contacts would improve their lives, they couldn’t get over the hurdle of touching their eyes—let alone putting something foreign in them. The concept portrayed first-time-user stories and the campaign hinged on authenticity, therefore focused predominantly on UGC from 8 real peo