Hai Brzozowska

Hai Brzozowska

Birmingham, United Kingdom
+ Info


Hai Brzozowska

Hai Brzozowska

Birmingham, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Barclays x Apple
    Barclays x AppleBarclays and Apple wanted to drive awareness of the iPhone XI’s new monthly payment plan. It’s the best value way to buy the new phone, letting customers save up to £270 compared to buying it through a network. So I dramatised all the wonderful things you could possibly do with the savings.
  • Barclays: Play or Pay
    Barclays: Play or PayMental health issues are often directly linked to financial problems. While shopping releases dopamine, playing low-cognitive load games have the same positive effects on our mood. So, we’ve launched a digital service that offers simple games to help people resist impulsive shopping behaviour.
  • Barclays Together (D&AD)
    Barclays Together (D&AD)Barclays Together is a phone application created for Barclays customers, predominantly those with mental health issues to help manage their worries about money. The app monitors the user’s behaviour and asks friends and family to step in and help when it is needed which, in turn, could prevent overspending.