Hamza Allali

Hamza Allali

E-Commerce managerBerlin, Germany
+ Info


Abby Love
Sophie Howe
Laura Richardson
Hamza Allali

Hamza Allali

E-Commerce managerBerlin, Germany
About me
Hello there, my name is Hamza Allali, and I am currently based in Berlin. Having a background in computer science, I am now specialized in Web Design, E-Commerce and Branding. Even before I started my apprenticeship as an IT Assistant for 3 years, I developed a deep understanding and passion for all marketing related topics. Now I am focusing on my bachelor degree in Applied Sciences, whilst I consult small business and entrepreneurs regarding web design, E-Commerce, Branding and their marketing strategies, in order to find the perfect way to start their business. If you would like to see some of my previous work or if you would like to work with me in the future, please feel free to contact me via email. I’m always keen to hear about new projects and opportunities, so please feel free to get in touch. Check out some of my latest project’s samples at � https://hamzaallali.com ✉️ Email: contact@hamzaallali.com / hamzaallali@outlook.de � WhatsApp: +49 17620014010
  • UY-Studio Brand based in Berlin.
    UY-Studio Brand based in Berlin.UY-Studio Berlin-based Founded in 2013 is a handmade fashion label, and art collective outlines the mix of the Middle East and Scandinavian culture. Check out more at �https://hamzaallali.com/uy-studio/
  • Lalla Fatima is an E-Commerce fashion brand based in Berlin
    Lalla Fatima is an E-Commerce fashion brand based in BerlinLalla Fatima is an E-Commerce fashion brand based in Berlin created by young people how mesmerized by the beauty of their culture, and Moroccan diversity pushed them into portraying the Moroccan identity and its deep African roots through their brand.
  • Hair Planet Eco Salon based in Taormina Italy.
    Hair Planet Eco Salon based in Taormina Italy.Hair Planet Eco Salon is a hairdresser based in Taormina Italy, founded in 1985 Gianni, now his daughter Greta takes over the salon responsibility.
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Projects credited in
  • Applications closed - Content, Copywriting & Social Media Freelancer Speed Pitching event at Ace Hotel.
    Applications closed - Content, Copywriting & Social Media Freelancer Speed Pitching event at Ace Hotel.Applications for this event have closed. Find more events here. Are you a freelancer and in the world of content, copywriting or social media? We're looking for 25 passionate, diverse and talented folk to join our Freelancer Speed Pitching event at Ace Hotel, London! During the event, you'll pitch yourself and show your portfolio to approx 12 reps from an array of brands. You'll have eight minutes with each rep in a speed-dating style setup. Expect to pitch to reps from the likes of Nike, Daze
  • Applications Closed - Digital Design, Product Design, UX & UI Freelancer Speed Pitching event at Ace Hotel.
    Applications Closed - Digital Design, Product Design, UX & UI Freelancer Speed Pitching event at Ace Hotel.Applications for this event have closed. Find more events here. Are you a freelancer and in the world of Digital Design, Product Design, UX & UI? We're looking for 25 passionate, diverse and talented folk to join our in Freelancer Speed Pitching event at Ace Hotel, London! During the event, you'll pitch yourself and show your portfolio to approx 12 reps from an array of brands. You'll have eight minutes with each rep in a speed-dating style setup. Expect to pitch to reps from the likes of Nike,
Work history
    FreelancerFor Myself,
    Berlin, GermanyFreelance
    I'm working A freelancer since 2019. Find more at www.hamzaallali.com
    E-Commerce-ManagerUY studio
     - Berlin, GermanyInternship
    As an Internee of eCommerce manager, I was responsible for looking after the websites that focus on the buying, trading and selling of products and services to the public or for business purposes. Some other key factors involved like the content, the design of the website and overseeing such matters as security, online marketing and team management and many more. � Experiences and Expertise include: ✔ Overseeing design and Developments of Website ✔ Monitor web analytics and internal data sources ✔ Design and Execute Roadmaps ✔ Supervise all activities and product development ✔ Prepare reports and analyze conversion numbers ✔ Developing SEO/PPC Strategy/Marketing Plans ✔ Team Management and Progress Monitoring ✔ Quality Control and Assurance ✔ Developing Schedules and Timescales
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Google Analytics
  • Wordpress CMS
  • Shopify
  • Ecommerce
  • Branding Identity
  • Online Marketing
  • Ecommerce Business
  • Project Management
    E-Commerce-Management (IHK)Institut für Lernsysteme
    Berlin, Germany
    Main Focusing area: Basics of E-Commerce, Online-Shop - Requirements and configurations, Online Marketing, Business Development, Business Management, and Marketing, Web Controlling, and Logistics/Fulfillment
    Bachelor of Science (BS)Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
    Berlin, Germany
    I'm doing my Bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science Focusing on IT Security, Mobile technology, Mobile Applications, Networking, Graphics Applications, Health Informatics, Multimedia, Social Networking/Web Technology, Etc. ✔Besides my Academic coursework here, � I have been taking participate in several social-cultural and volunteer activities. I had met different types of people frequently and learning a lot from them. It helped me to expand the circle of my acquaintances. I practiced Leadership, Critical thinking, Project Management, Management, Teamwork, Communication, Problem-solving, Public Speaking, etc.
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