Hanna is soon to be the first graduate Innovation with Theatre masters student in the UK. She has a passion for creating social change, equality and community connections through innovation.
Her practice in theatre creating socially engaged, political and immersive theatre inspires her to extend this social engagement beyond the stage to creating products and services for social good.
The innovation course is the first of its kind in the UK and allows students from 11 different disciplines to learn skills like design thinking, agile design and product development through the innovation course. The students work in multi-disciplinary teams on project briefs from real clients, using our skills from our specific discipline - from computer science to history to music. As a theatre student, Hanna brings a unique view to a project; she can look at a situation critically and then the natural creativity and freedom used in making theatre gives her an out of the box way to approach every project, complimenting the more logistical and sometimes straight-forward approach of her peers.
After working with organisations including We Mind the Gap, Cardboard Citizens and Action Speak Disability Group during her time at university, these experiences have inspired her to specialise into design for social change. As her final year approaches of her Integrated Masters, she is planning to launch a start-up social enterprise co-creating adapted fashionable clothing for those with disabilities who are so often forgotten in the fashion world.
- Creative
- Design Thinking
- Team Collaboration
- Moodboard Creation
- Social Change
- Social Media Advertising
- Social Campaign
- Public Speaking
- Communicating Ideas
- Design Innovation
- Theatre
- Theatre Directing
- Theatre Design
- Devised Theatre
- Immersive Theatre
- Script Writer
- Theatre Management
- Graphic Art
- Graphic Design
Theatre and Innovation Integrated Masters DegreeUniversity of Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom