Holly Spicer

Holly Spicer

A&R DirectorUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Trikuti Naresh
Holly Spicer

Holly Spicer

A&R DirectorUnited Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Comrade Objects
    Comrade ObjectsRodchenko was writing to his wife Varvara Stépanova in 1925, a the beginning of communism, telling her he thought man should change his relationship to objets, that we must learn to talk with them, laugh, play. Rodchenko opposed to the fetichisation of merchandise, the concept of comrade-objects. WJT Mitchell, one of the initiators of visual studies insists on the fact that images are not unmoving objets carrying significations, but must be considered as living things inhabited by desires, needs
  • D&AD Masterclasses - What's on in June 2019
    D&AD Masterclasses - What's on in June 2019At D&AD, we know that achieving creative excellence takes more than pure skill. It takes a certain mindset, a bit of business acumen, and a dose of cultural understanding. That’s why we work with Pencil-winning expert to deliver transformative Masterclasses at D&AD all year. Our creative learning programs connect you and your business directly to the people making the most outstanding work today and enable to learn skills to generate brilliant outcomes tomorrow.

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