Isabel Davies

Isabel Davies

Fashion Business and Promotion GraduateSwansea, United Kingdom
+ Info


Isabel Davies

Isabel Davies

Fashion Business and Promotion GraduateSwansea, United Kingdom
About me
I have recently graduated from university where I studied Fashion Business and Promotion. I have been passionate about fashion business and design throughout the majority of my education, from school, college, and then university. Ensuring my chosen studies throughout the years have coincided with business and retail. I gained knowledge in international business and financial aspects at A level business, whilst also studying Textiles and Graphic Design. My university modules have allowed me to gain incredible insight into many aspects of the fashion and retail industry. Preparing me for the industry by consistently developing my creative skills within Adobe creative suite and expanding my knowledge regarding the operations and roles within the fashion industry. My course has also provided me with various opportunities to gain experience within head office placements. This has not only helped me confirm my desire for a career in buying and product development but has enabled further learning into the essential skills required for such roles. I am now actively seeking graduate roles and internships to coincide with my career desires. I am excited to begin my journey into the industry, willing to adapt to all opportunities and continue my learning.
  • Dissertation
    Dissertation'Can digital design and data avert overconsumption in an industry thriving on fast fashion?' This study's aim was to explore how innovations in AI and digital design could offer sustainable solutions within fashion retail. Primarily focusing on how technology could avert overconsumption within an industry dependent on fast-fashion consumerism.
  • Independent Final Project
    Independent Final Project
Projects credited in
  • Meet the GFF 2020 New Fashion Media Award Nominees
    Meet the GFF 2020 New Fashion Media Award NomineesFashion digital media is a dynamic and flourishing part of the fashion industry with new media constantly evolving alongside traditional formats. GFF wants to find and celebrate the voice of a new generation. Project submissions are sought across the board of fashion new media that are innovative and resonate with the industry including websites / app development / blogs / online channels / social media strategy and campaigns. This can be a collaborative project by more than one student. Meet th
  • Creative
  • Adaptability
  • Critical Path
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Presenting
  • Communication
  • Numerical Skills
  • Efficient
  • Negotiation
  • Teamworking