Jack Carter

Account DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Paula Benvegnu

Jack Carter

Account DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • There’s more to Life in the Army Reserve
    There’s more to Life in the Army ReserveOur latest campaign is designed to show people they can fit more adventure into their life with the Army Reserve. The creative invites people to discover how the Army Reserve can offer them the challenge, adventure and opportunity they’re looking for, and provide the same excitement, camaraderie and training as the Regular Army, within a time commitment that’s compatible with their existing lives. The campaign is totally integrated and includes content for web, mobile, CRM and social. We also created a national launch event and an Oculus Rift Roadshow featuring 360 degree footage of the Challenger 2 Tank scene from the advertising. Faith SFX, one of the most prominent and technically skilled beatbox artist in the world, created the music soundtrack made solely with the use of his beatboxing sounds.
  • Nespresso On Ice
    Nespresso On IceNespresso wanted to launch a limited edition Iced Coffee capsules for the summer '17. Intenso on Ice and Leggero on Ice are two new blends specifically crafted to provide a delicate and refreshing iced beverage at home. One sip of these drinks transports you to the Mediterranean sunshine… so we collaborated with other team in this integrated multi channel campaign based on that powerful insight. Using the vintage travel posters as our reference, we helped develop an original modern campai
  • Ribena
    RibenaCreated by London production company Nomint I was hired to design all elements of this surreal trip through the new Ribena campaign from start to finish.
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