Jemima Bellamy

Jemima Bellamy

3D Design and Craft GraduateBrighton, United Kingdom
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Jemima Bellamy

Jemima Bellamy

3D Design and Craft GraduateBrighton, United Kingdom
About me
Recent University of Brighton graduate specialising in jewellery and polymer based design. I have a passion for contemporary, concept driven work, testing the limits of materials. My degree work has focused around migraines and consists mainly of silver and small hints of silicone.
    MIGRAINE STATES Migraines are commonly misunderstood and disregarded as ‘just a bad headache’, often considered to be magically cured with the pop of a pill or by being in a dark room. The often overwhelming and debilitating feelings of migraines are something that is only ever felt by the sufferer. My work aims to bring to the surface the otherwise invisible issues of migraines analysing both relief and induce. Documented through daily drawings to record the daily ins and outs of such a condition through a personal lens producing visual representations that challenges the physical and visual parameters to both aggravate and alleviate the migraine. Through thorough experimentation into material qualities and aesthetics I have produced a range of jewellery that evokes these feelings onto the wearer. The collections look to either offer alternative methods of relief or induce migraine like feelings to gain greater understanding and empathy towards the migraine condition.
Work history
    JewellerPosh Totty Design
     - Brighton, United KingdomFull Time
    Christmas Temporary position. Working as part of a small team for an independent jewellers in Brighton. Personalising jewellery to order with hand stamping onto a range of different shapes and widths of jewellery predominantly in sterling silver. Working to strict deadlines to get orders out on time and to a high quality. Producing stock ready for Christmas including soldering chain and jump rings, tidying up castings, shaping work and using hallmarks. Various shifts working in quality control for the company to assess the quality of work before it is sent out, using excel spreadsheets to catalogue orders making them easy to track and communicating with management to ensure jewellery went out in time and was of a high quality.
    MakerSteve Follen
     - Brighton, United KingdomFreelance
    Working alongside other team members to help construct 3D metal stars to form instillation of William Shakespeare's head at Royal Shakespeare company, Stratford-upon-Avon. Bending and folding the metal star forms into 6 sections to form an individual star, working to comossion per sheet of several weekends.
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  • Silversmithing
  • Social Media
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Creative Design
    3D Design and Craft BA (honsUniversity of Brighton
     - Brighton, United Kingdom
    Anna-Maria Desogus Memorial Award 2017University of Brighton
    A memorial award recognising designer/makers work with in the 3D design degree. Awarded highly commended for presentation, concept and making.