Jen Haugan

Jen Haugan

Creative TechnologistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Anita Fontaine
Shanice Aga
Jen Haugan

Jen Haugan

Creative TechnologistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
London-based multidisciplinary designer with experience in working on projects ranging from experience & interaction design to graphic design and animation. Recent graduate from the MA programme Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art. Has exhibited work at venues such as Sónar+D, Barcelona, the Royal Academy, London, and IRCAM, Paris, as well as showcasing short films in several film festivals such as Encounters, Regensburg Short Film Week and Etiuda & Anima. Enjoys challenging projects with fast learning curves, and since joining the RCA, has grown from being a traditional filmmaker and graphic designer to working with web- and games design, sound art and basic electronics.
  • Sonic Ensemble
    Sonic EnsembleCollection of interactive sonic sculptures
  • Absolut Black Box – "Frequency"
    Absolut Black Box – "Frequency""A black box in science, computing, or engineering is a device, system or object with inputs and outputs that do not communicate any knowledge of its internal workings. Contemporary computers, phones, algorithms, even the human brain, and many other things can be considered black boxes." During May and June 2016 I worked on a project along with my classmate Robert Thorpe that was offered to the Information Experience Design MA programme at the Royal College of Art. The project, which was kindly
  • No Flares Just Light
    No Flares Just LightClient project for the Nigerian Pavilion at the first London Design Biennale showcased at Somerset House. I constructed a high-res map of Nigeria using image data from Google Earth showing both a current view of Nigeria's Port Harcourt area and the surrounding gas flares (using data from and a "utopian" version, where the energy from the gas flares would be used to light up roads and towns around the country. This was a collaboration with Shobhan Shah who added the map imager
  • Sonifying Noise Pollution
    Sonifying Noise PollutionRoad traffic is one of the main sources of noise pollution in cities, and its impacts on human health are well documented. “Sonifying Noise Pollution” is a self-initiated data visualisation project I made using Max MSP to sonify noise pollution data from road traffic sources, based on data obtained from the European Environmental Agency. With this project, I wanted to highlight the extent of noise pollution from road traffic sources in the UK, and highlight how certain industrial towns such as S
  • Doppler Machine
    Doppler MachinePart of my work at the RCA has been investigating our sonic environment by developing a series of sonic objects that modify sound in different ways. As Kenya Hara states in his “Designing Design”, design should also be about “making the known unknown”, and by reintroducing sonic phenomena in a new and interesting way, I hope to show people in greater detail how sonic effects are actually created, and how they may thus be manipulated in modern composition. Inspired by pieces such as Luigi Russolo
  • Bubble Journey Game
    Bubble Journey GameBubble Journey is a 2D endless scroller computer game where you play as a bubble and attempt to avoid all the fish and the cliffs around you as the bubble grows bigger for every coin you collect. The game was created as part of a one-week workshop on game making at the Royal College of Art, and was a collaboration between Wan Tseng, Elliot Rogosin, Tom Selby and myself. We only had 3 1/2 days of development time, but we still managed to create a fully functional game by the end of the week whic
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Projects credited in
  • Big Bang AR
    Big Bang ARThe story of our universe in mixed reality, in collaboration with CERN. Nexus worked with Google Arts and Culture and CERN to produce a mixed reality journey through the birth and evolution of the universe, as told by Tilda Swinton. The Big Bang AR app takes you back in time 13.8 billion years to discover how space, time and the visible universe came to be. Open your hand in front of your phone’s camera to see the universe form; move between ‘reality’ and ‘space’ mode, create the very first
  • Notable Women
    Notable WomenNotable Women is an AR Experiment that lets anyone see 100 historic American women where they have historically been left out: on U.S. currency. Discover the accomplishments of activists, artists, scientists, business leaders, writers, civic leaders and more—right on the money in your wallet.
  • Notable Women AR
    Notable Women ARAUGMENTED REALITY APP, IOS AND ADROIND An AR Experiment that lets anyone see 100 historic American women where they’ve historically been left out: U.S. currency.
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Work history
    Nexus Studios logo
    Nexus Studios logo
    Creative TechnologistNexus Studios
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Working on various interactive and AR projects, including the AR app 'Civilisations AR' for the BBC, interactive installations for the 2018 Mobile World Congress and other mobile apps, using software including Unity, Sketch, Facebook AR Studio.
    Freelance CreativeMultiple agencies
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Installation design, 2D animation, motion graphics, email template design, mockups, advertising and promotional material for clients including Absolut España, Tabletalk Media, Central 23, Freightbrokers, Axonn Media, Feedback Films, and Through The I. Runs design collective Studio Strohm together with Maria Euler.
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  • Print Design
  • Design
  • Layout
  • After Effects
  • Max MSP
  • Processing
  • Raspberry PI
  • Arduino Programming
  • 2D Animation
  • Art Installation
  • Interactive Installations
  • Sound Installation
  • Sound Art
  • Sound Artist
  • Installation
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • Vector Illustration
  • Unity
    Royal College of Art logo
    Royal College of Art logo
    MA Information Experience DesignRoyal College of Art
     - London, United Kingdom
    Having done a BA in Animation, I started my first year on the MA Animation course, but transferred half-way through to the Information Experience Design course, expanding my practice from traditional filmmaking and graphic design to include sound art, games design and electronics. Projects during my time here included a multi-sensory installation commissioned by Absolut, an interactive sound map, programming for a small 2D game, sonic performances at various London venues with the project "Sonic Ensemble", and multiple collaborations with students from the Royal College of Music. Software and new skills learned: Max MSP, Processing, Arduino, Unity, DMX lighting, soldering, basic electronics
    BA(Hons) AnimationFarnham UCA
     - Farnham, United Kingdom
    An animation course specialising in animation direction – Here I learned the basics of filmmaking, working under tight deadlines, improving my hand-drawn skills and learning a multitude of new software. I directed three short films during my time here, "The Gift" (Stop motion + CGi), "Foxtrot" (2D Animation), and "Orpheus the Penguin" (2D Animation). Software learned: After Effects, Autodesk Softimage, Dragonframe, Premiere