John Campbell

John Campbell

Creative DirectorPrague, Czechia
+ Info


Emma Ferneyhough
Ben Perkins
John Campbell

John Campbell

Creative DirectorPrague, Czechia
About me
a director, a photographer, a producer, a writer, a creative director, an illustrator, an eater of pizza, a wearer of ties, a player of 8-bit video games, a critic, a cynic and a serial killer. Back up, scratch that last one, move forward. He is known for his diverse visual style, poignant evocation of rapport and ability to take projects from concept to post. He also shoots a lot of women. Some people told him, when he was a young punk, that he’s good at shooting girls and he believed them. In industry speak, John is that terrible (or wonderful) thing called a hybrid. He is a creature with multiple titles with many hyphens. He is that dirty rat known as: the Jack-of-all-Trades. This comes from a voracious curiosity, an undying creative drive and the fortune to live long enough to make a ton of mistakes. However, in an age of exponentially increasing integration, hybridization perhaps becomes more the norm, rather than the reverse. John brings with him a wide range of expertise in design, film, fashion, digital creative and writing in the 3rd person about himself. John likes to do most things backwards so he started working in feature film, then moved on to television, then into commercials and eventually found his way to content creation. He plans to continue this trend until he has his own company devoted solely to the production of infomercials for cats. He has worked in multiple capacities and just about every crew department possible. He’s been a PA, an AD, and a grip. He’s worked in makeup and prosthetics and VFX. He’s done publicity work, camera work, wet work and art work. John Campbell lives between Prague, Czech Republic and Los Angeles, California. Sometimes you can find him in Tokyo. He likes to be frisked by strangers in airports, so he travels a lot. Available for assignment worldwide.
  • The Gerety Awards
    The Gerety AwardsThis is an imagining of the creative process of Frances Gerety, the famous copywriter who penned the slogan "A Diamond is Forever" in 1948. The Gerety Awards is the first ever advertising awards show to have an all-female jury. I'm extremely proud to be a part of this and share it with the world. John Campbell, Writer/Director
  • Milk & Honey Films 20th Anniversary
    Milk & Honey Films 20th AnniversaryThe brief: create a beauty spot using milk and honey in inventive new ways to help Milk & Honey Films celebrate their 20th anniversary in the industry.
  • L'Oreal Color Riche
    L'Oreal Color RicheThe brief: to create cost-effective content for L'Oreal Czech Republic. The creative was largely free-reign. The result is an abstract mash-up of L'Oreal and Burberry celebrating lips in all their glossy glory.
  • Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey
    Jack Daniel's Tennessee HoneyThe brief: create eye-catching content that takes the brand in a slightly new direction for a European market. In this case, we present the sweeter honey variation in a more sensual form than the rock-music inspired American campaigns.
  • DAY ONE teaser
    DAY ONE teaserChicago house music legend K’ Alexi Shelby is hailed as "Proper house music’s most prolific exponent at the moment" by DJ Mag. Recently he teamed up with the brilliant Prague based director, John Campbell and Chicago based producer and mental judo artist Catherine Hudon. Together they are creating K's very first music video for his song, Day One. Day One is about K' Alexi's inaugural passage into house music. During this fledgling time in dance music culture there were no rules or precedents. The video concept intertwines the artist’s metaphorical journey into the siren's song and submitting to something larger than ourselves. It’s an intricate self-contained fantasy where house music meets sci-fi baroque.
  • Hey, Hey, Hey
    Hey, Hey, HeyMusic video for Slavic pop star Iva Frühlingová. Typically a more acoustic artist, this single is her first foray into an electronic style. We decided to go with a bit of stop-motion to craft this playful piece about love and life and dance. Chewbacca has a cameo, as does Darth Vader. What more can you ask for?
Work history
    Creative DirectorBad Apple Collective
    Prague, CzechiaFreelance
    Executive ProduceratSwim
     - New York, United StatesFreelance
+ Show more
  • Photography
  • Directing
  • Art and Creative Direction
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Communication
  • Brand Strategy
  • Budgeting
  • International Perspective
  • Global Experience
    MastersAcademy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague
     - Prague, Czechia
    BFA Double Major Film & Animation with a Minor in PhotographyMinneapolis College of Art and Design
     - Minneapolis, United States