Kamal Frankson

Kamal Frankson

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Sharmaarke Ali Adan
Louis Harris-Fry
Seraphina Row
Kamal Frankson

Kamal Frankson

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
  • The Trash Store
    The Trash StoreThe Trash Store is a brand that I put together a year ago, with the vision of creating something rebellious, against the rules of 'fashion' and typical 'marketing' strategies.  At the beginning of my journey, I focused more on making graphic tees and sweatshirts with the embroidered custom logo. My motto behind the creative process of TRASH is 'It's not streetwear if it doesn't get you kicked out of school.' When creating TRASH I drew inspiration from 90's streetwear brands, typically those pop
  • The HOME Project
    The HOME ProjectHome Film Project, ask the question to Waltham Forest in this short trailer. Home is an interactive exploration into the residents of Waltham Forest. Home Project will ask the people of the borough to reflect on their past and present experiences, their hopes for the future and connection to where they live, as they answer the question – what does home mean?
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Content Creator
  • Editor Film