Kristina Dimitrova

Kristina Dimitrova

Associate Strategy DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Amber Kang
Vida Stanic
Reece Johnson
Kristina Dimitrova

Kristina Dimitrova

Associate Strategy DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
A highly dedicated individual with business and strategy background interested in the multidisciplinary fields of technology, marketing, and consumer culture. Variety of experience including agency account management as well as research and editorial role in a leading marketing intelligence company. Driven by a passion for exploring future trends, meaningful collaborations, and continuous learning.
    INTERLACEDINTERLACED is a media and events platform covering the most exciting developments in fashion and technology. The aim of INTERLACED is to educate a variety of stakeholders about innovation shaping the future of fashion, retail and beauty through online content and offline activities such as fashiontech catwalk shows, meetups and innovation workshops, among others.
Projects credited in
  • #BadassBecause
    #BadassBecauseBadass Gal was set up on International Women’s Day in 2018. Their mission - to celebrate women not just for one day of the year, but every day. Focusing on junior and graduate talent, they promoted a single Badass Gal every day to celebrate their amazing achievements. With their one year anniversary coming up, Badass Gal asked photographer Marc Hayden and me if we would help them celebrate all the nominated women with an exhibit. #BadassBecause is a celebration of women who are not afraid to
Work history
    Associate Strategy Director
    Trouble Maker logo
    Trouble Maker logo
    Social DirectorTrouble Maker
    London, United KingdomFull Time
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  • Digital Media
  • Business Writing
  • Content Marketing
  • Event Management
  • Account Management
  • Social Media Digital Strategies
  • Fashion Technology
  • Marketing
  • Analysing Trends
    BA Marketing, Advertising PR
     - Birmingham, United Kingdom
    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Marketing, Advertising & PR Main research project: The Effects of Social Media on Client – Advertising Agency Relationships in the UK Research Supervisor: Steve MacKay Positions: Student Ambassador; Student Academic Mentor & Partner Activities & Societies: Birmingham City Business School Student Council