Louisa Shaeri // SOLA

Louisa Shaeri // SOLA

Coach to autistic visionaries, creatives & change-makersLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Melys Edwards
Cristina Izquierdo Yerolemou
Louisa Shaeri // SOLA

Louisa Shaeri // SOLA

Coach to autistic visionaries, creatives & change-makersLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi, I'm Louisa Shaeri, artist, coach, cultural activator, founder of SOLA Systems I help #autistic visionaries, creatives, change-makers exit the burnout cycles, pathology paradigms and self-negations that keep you stuck and realise the self-reinventions / life pivots / culture-shifting projects involved in BECOMING your boldest, most authentic self.
  • Unmasking Unschool
    Unmasking UnschoolUnmasking Unschool is the group coaching program, for ambitious, kind-hearted, visionary #autistic folks seeking to enact the life pivots, self-reinventions and innovations to become your most authentic self. In this program, we take The SOLA System framework, and apply it directly to your specific problems, vision for your life, and the identity transformations involved in getting there. Increase your agency, energy and personal power, alongside an expanding global community of autistic chang
  • Lossy Ecology (artist book work)
    Lossy Ecology (artist book work)Buy Book: https://www.lossyecology.technology/ Lossy Ecology outlines the notion of an ‘ecosystem of realities’ in which bodies and experiences which resist static and dominant forms of representation, evolve their own means of self-definition. The term Lossy Ecology refers to the notion of a symbiotic permaculture of realities (compressions/filtered viewpoints) which can account for the multitude of embodied realities across humans, and beyond. Lossy Ecology seeks to build upon the framework
  • Technical Rehearsal for a Lossless Body (Solo exhibition), 2016
    Technical Rehearsal for a Lossless Body (Solo exhibition), 2016Exhibition Run: 21 April – 29 May, 2016 Following research in the fields of atypical perception, the neuroscience of embodiment, and autism, London-based multidisciplinary artist Louisa Martin staged an immersive installation at Cubitt. Exploring bodies and embodied experiences that are not articulated in existing, standardised representational systems, this was Martin’s first solo exhibition in London. Supported by a Wellcome Trust Arts Award, and Arts Council England.
Projects credited in
  • Top 10: career advice tips for 2023
    Top 10: career advice tips for 2023Job hunting? Thinking of pivoting your career? Struggling with motivation? Working with a tricky client? We’ve got you! We’ve put together our top 10 career-related questions for 2023 to help you navigate through the year ahead, no matter if you’re just starting out, or already have experience in the industry. Click through to see insights, advice and top tips from industry mentors and our brilliant Dots community. Got some thoughts of your own? Please add your own wisdom if you have anything
Work history
    SOLA Systems logo
    SOLA Systems logo
    CoachSOLA Systems
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    SOLA Systems exists to activate and support the repositioning of emergent cognitive, embodied, and sensorial sense-making of creative autistic-status folks, as transformative sources of personal fulfilment, cultural belonging, design innovation, and liberatory solutions. Mission Support #autistic visionaries / creatives / change-makers with the online (un)learning and coaching services, frameworks and social context, to re-trust, embody and express their authentic selves, and realise felt possibilities, life structures, dream projects and emergent culture, as tangible realities. OUR CLIENTS CREATE BELONGING JUST THROUGH WHO THEY ARE BEING.
    ArtistLouisa Shaeri (formerly Louisa Martin)
    London, United KingdomFreelance
  • Coaching
  • Artistic
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    BA(Hons) Sonic ArtsUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom
    Central Saint Martins (UAL) logo
    Central Saint Martins (UAL) logo
    Foundation Diploma in Art and DesignCentral Saint Martins (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom
    Arts Council England logo
    Arts Council England logo
    DYCP (Develop Your Creative Practice)Arts Council England
    Arts Council England logo
    Arts Council England logo
    Grants for the Arts, Arts Council EnglandArts Council England
    Project Funding
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