Lucy Donagh

Lucy Donagh

CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Danny Pallett
Will Cundall
Lucy Donagh

Lucy Donagh

CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • The Student Art Passport
    The Student Art PassportThe Problem With no access to the benefits of Student Art Pass during Covid, we need to find a way to make buying a subscription desirable for students now. ​ The Insight Animal Crossing New Horizons has seen 1.2m sales in the UK and has quickly become a staple way for people to “meet up”and also disconnect during all stages of quarantine. ​ The Solution We use Animal Crossing to translate the benefits of the Student Art Pass in a virtual, covid-friendly way, bringing the art world to life thro
  • Am (i) Normal
    Am (i) NormalThe Problem As a society, there is not enough information or focus on female pleasure ​ The Insight We are comfortable with male sexual pleasure because we are surrounded by images of unthreatening doodled penises ​ The Solution Destigmatise female pleasure by an equally easy and recognisable symbol for the vulva and putting it everywhere