Maci-Skye Anthony

Maci-Skye Anthony

Photographer & VideographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Solana Talenti
Hayat M
Jude Termanini
Maci-Skye Anthony

Maci-Skye Anthony

Photographer & VideographerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi! I'm Maci-Skye, a freelance young creative from South-West London, who specialises in photography and videography. With a passion for storytelling, in all of its forms, I have developed a love for surrealist art that explores the human experience. Experimentation drives my thinking, as I always want to engage with new perspectives and push the boundaries of different creative mediums. My unique visual style has enabled me to work with Young Creators UK, where I have worked on various commercial projects for clients such as Lambeth Council, The Roundhouse and Nissan.
  • RiVa & Co. - Cosmic Jooce | Music Video
    RiVa & Co. - Cosmic Jooce | Music VideoI was a camera operator and camera assistant on the music video for Cosmic Jooce by RiVa & Co. These are some of the behind the scenes photos that I took during the promotional photoshoot for this project.
  • A3O - Closer | Music Video
    A3O - Closer | Music VideoFor my Year 13 Final Major Project at London Screen Academy, I spent four months, with another student (Brogan Cowie-Ferron) to plan, design, light, shoot and edit the music video for A3O's new song "Closer" (confined to the single location of a 5x5m white box). As the director of photography and editor, I learned so much about the production process and became more confident as a leader of a production team, which really took me out of my comfort zone, but in the end it was extremely rewarding.
Projects credited in
  • Nike - Maximum Miles
    Nike - Maximum MilesI worked with Nike Global to capture coach Dora Atim, Nike’s running coach here in London, to show runners of all abilities how to get the most out of their running gear and extend their shoe’s life span. As the best way to be sustainable is to buy less and take care of what we already own, we also interviewed Ultra Black, a community of Black women and nonbinary trail runners founded by Coach D. Exploring why the act of trail running and having their own community space is important to them, th
Work history
    BBC logo
    BBC logo
    Technical Operator ApprenticeBBC
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Under the BBC Apprenticeship scheme, I have been working with the company’s Media Operations team to deliver output across worldwide TV and radio channels for news and entertainment, whilst working towards a Level 4 Post-Production Technical Operation qualification with London South Bank University.
    Freelance CreativeYoung Creators UK
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Working as a Freelance Creative at Young Creators UK, I have been responsible for creating branded content for the company, in order to promote their mission and the services that they provide, across different social media platforms. Working to diversify the media industry, eliminate barriers and amplify the voices of untold stories, through Young Creators UK, I have produced content for numerous clients, conducting a wide range of creative briefs in areas such as event photography, commercial videography, short films, graphic design and video editing.
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  • Photography
  • Cinematography
  • Photo Editing
  • Video Editing
  • Colour Grading
  • Graphic Design
    UAL Level 4 Professional Diploma in Creative EnterpriseLondon Screen Academy
     - London, United Kingdom
    Grade: Distinction
    UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Practice: Art, Design & CommunicationLondon Screen Academy
     - London, United Kingdom
    Film & TV Production (Specialising in Camera & Lighting) - Distinction
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    Top 20 - Students Prize London 2020Sovereign Art Foundation