Margaux Revol

Margaux Revol

Brand StrategistLondon, United Kingdom
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Margaux Revol

Margaux Revol

Brand StrategistLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • The Pain Museum
    The Pain MuseumPain for women has historically been side-lined; written off as “normal” or dismissed as a symptom of hysteria. It’s even harder to get a diagnosis if you’re a Black, Asian or mixed heritage woman. Not to mention the host of stigmas and lack of understanding that stands in the way of trans and non-binary people receiving adequate care for their pain. The consequences can be devastating – unconscious medical bias, a dearth of research, chronic misdiagnosis, a continued lack of funding and an ing
  • Libresse - #bloodnormal
    Libresse - #bloodnormal Bodyform & Libresse, feminine care brands of the leading global hygiene and health company Essity, continue their mission to break taboos around periods with their latest campaign, #bloodnormal, in which period blood is shown realistically for the first time. They have also finally banished the blue liquid convention and replaced it with a realistic red. After all, women bleed blood. At the heart of the campaign is a film created by AMV BBDO and directed by Daniel Wolfe, with cinematography b