Martha Monk

Martha Monk

Senior CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
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SOUL Creative Agency
Pip Jamieson
Sam Jacobs
Martha Monk

Martha Monk

Senior CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I’m a Sr. Conceptual Creative and sometimes Leading Actress when presenting my work. Agencies/brands hire me to solve a problem with a simple idea. It's never that simple. My story in bullet points: - Colombian who doesn’t drink coffee. - Ex DDB, BBDO, JWT and other lovely acronyms. - I worked remotely (before it was a thing) for an ad agency in Miami and an AI startup in Washington. - I was part of Creative Comeback, upskilled my game and started freelancing for various agencies in London - [Anomaly, VaynerMedia, MBAStack, Oliver, VML, DDB Remedy]. - I’m inquisitive, completed a Master’s in Digital Marketing and failed at surfing lessons. - My blog: '6 Hours Ahead' can give you an idea of what crosses my mind.
  • Snapchat
    SnapchatBRIEF. To make GenZ realize the power of their digital skills in today's uncertain job market. INSIGHT. It’s a confusing time for Gen Z’ers, they don’t know what to study, what job to get, or maybe they’re thinking of starting their own business… Who knows! IDEA. “Snap Up your Future”. We created a filter that highlights users’ skills by doing something Gen Z’ers do all the time: tapping on their mobiles.
  • Unicef
    UnicefBRIEF. To invite current donors to consider legacy giving. INSIGHT. Nobody feels comfortable talking about wills and death. Life stories make better conversations and can live forever. IDEA. “To be Continued”. We proposed Unicef to make a Netflix docuseries showing journeys that have begun and futures… to be continued. The key here, donors were the ones starting every story/episode.
  • Gordon's Gin
    Gordon's GinAnomaly had cracked a TV execution and hired us (M&L) to build a campaign around it, aimed at men 45+. The last thing we want to overthink is a G&T. [Radio, OOH, Print, Digital, Experiential]
Work history
    Sr CopywriterMartha & Lucy
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Martha Monk + Lucy Barker-Yates. Senior Creative Team. Having fun. Challenging the industry. Working with brands that push for great work. AGENCIES: - DDB Remedy. Boehringer Ingelheim - Pharma product launch. - VML. Lego Botanicals & Guinness - Concept & activation. - LIVE & BREATHE. Davidoff - Experiential. - GREAT STATE. Royal Marines - Recruitment campaign. - UNIVERSITY of GREENWICH. Greener Greenwich - Sustainability campaign & event. - OLIVER Agency. CÎROC Summer Citrus. Summer campaign concept. - VAYNERMEDIA. Unicef, Durex & Natura. Worked on different projects. - SNAPCHAT. Creative Team nominated to participate at Snapchat Creative Council 2021. - ANOMALY. Gordon's Gin - Created and produced a campaign to bring G&T back to its original recipe. Radio, OOH, digital and print. - MBAstack. Mars Pet food - Pitch concept. - Creative Equals. Social media campaign for IWD 2021 #TakeAPause. - UN Decade of the Ocean. Poster shortlisted and exhibited at UNESCO HQ in Paris. - Dress-Up January. Our initiative to cheer people up at the start of 2021.
    Anomaly logo
    Anomaly logo
    Senior Creative - ReturnerAnomaly
     - London, United KingdomPart Time
    Living proof that Creative Comeback works. Returnship at Anomaly London. We created and produced an integrated campaign for Gordon's Gin. [Print - Digital - OOH - Radio] Client: Gordon's Gin - Diageo
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  • Copywriting
  • Advertising
  • Creative Direction
  • Ad Copywriting
  • Strategy
  • Fluent Spanish
  • Branding
  • Creative Storytelling
  • Creative Concepts
  • Creative Consultancy
    D&AD logo
    D&AD logo
     - London, United Kingdom
    Ideas Unlocked - Masterclass, Creative Thinking Creative workout led by Nick Eagleton [co-founder of brand studio Saboteur]. Discovering how to unlock ideas that can inspire people, change things, and solve those tough real-world challenges. Learning and using the five P’s that take you from problem to pitch.
    MastersHult International Business School
     - London, United Kingdom
    * 3M. Digital Marketing Consultant at 3M, optimizing UK online store to increase sales, defining KPI's and user journeys for Business and Consumers. Research, test, UX, IA, UCD. * UK MUSIC FESTIVALS. Facebook page creation, content strategy, link building, community management; planning Social Media campaign. * M&S Ecommerce Project. Analysing company’s online store and multichannel experience from brand and customer’s perspective. Evaluated mobile impact. * THE BODY SHOP. E-CRM and customer retention initiatives. * JESSOPS. Digital Marketing Plan defining Retailer's unique value proposition, optimizing logistics, strategic alliances, setting KPI's for business performance and customer engagement. * FUTURE LIONS 2011. Entry for Advertising Awards. Innovative media for Levi's.
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