Nina Athill

Marketing and Comms for ethical stoytellingYork, United Kingdom
+ Info


Deborah Okuyemi

Nina Athill

Marketing and Comms for ethical stoytellingYork, United Kingdom
Work history
    Brink logo
    Brink logo
    Storytelling ExecutiveBrink
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    - Ethical storytelling: I prioritise integrity and accuracy in storytelling, ensuring that narratives are not only engaging but also truthful and respectful of the communities and individuals involved. - Marketing management: I collaborate with the marketing team to align storytelling efforts with broader organizational goals, leveraging content to amplify messaging and drive impact. - Research: I’m a curious person who loves to nerd out and dive deep on my projects, including the Frontier Tech Hub, uBoraBora, EdTech and Hanga SRH. - Breaking down information: I’m not afraid of complexity, and I enjoy breaking it down for others to understand. I’m deeply passionate about the power of evidence, insight and information to affect change, but I know that people are more likely to take notice when it’s packaged up in resonant, exciting ways. - Team delivery and operations: Our practice team is growing, so I work with the Storytelling Practice Lead to remove obstacles to delivery, supporting scheduling and coordinating activities. - Creating content: I enjoy the power of words, visuals and bringing things to life. I’m not precious about sharing a first ‘bad’ draft early for feedback, whether it’s a slide deck, a rough infographic or a blog post. - Context switching: We often work across multiple projects, and I’m comfortable switching between different topics, teams and formats frequently - I thrive on this style of working. - Audience engagement: I’m attuned to audience needs and preferences, crafting content that resonates with diverse stakeholders and fosters meaningful engagement. - Metrics tracking: I monitor and analyse performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of storytelling initiatives, using data-driven insights to refine strategies and optimise outcomes. - Stakeholder collaboration: I work closely with internal and external stakeholders, including subject matter experts, designers and partners, to co-create compelling narratives and campaigns.