Rachel Scarlett

Rachel Scarlett

Communications ManagerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Abagail Johnson
Celina Bassili
Rachel Scarlett

Rachel Scarlett

Communications ManagerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Gucci Beauty Campaign
    Gucci Beauty CampaignArt Direction for NET-A-PORTER.com Photography by David Abrahams Set design/ styling by Georgina Pragnell Production by Fiona Burgess
  • Gucci and Frieze present The Second Summer Of Love
    Gucci and Frieze present The Second Summer Of LoveIn the late 1980s, the UK saw a cultural revolution of the same magnitude as the ’60s counterculture movement. A combination of a radical new music, a groundswell of youth-driven art, and, crucially, the introduction of a consciousness-altering new drug, led to the upturning of contemporary culture. In 1988, 30 years ago this year, that scene exploded, and the UK saw what we now call the Second Summer Of Love. In 2018 Gucci partnered with Frieze to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this cultura