Rico Ellison

Rico Ellison

Bournemouth, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Yarza Twins
O. Macioti
Rico Ellison

Rico Ellison

Bournemouth, United Kingdom
About me
My name is Rico Ellison, I am 23 and have recently finished studying an acting course. My life revolves around playing music, sales and business, acting is a passion of mine on top of these three but has been difficult through this time to dive right in as work needs to take priority. I have worked at many establishments that require high end customer service and have been trusted and placed at the forefront of many problems, I am a confident person so face everything with an eye that it can be overcame. I like to carry a positive energy and take new opportunities with stride, I am a fast learner and am always ready to adapt or change. Always looking to Collaborate so am here to find likeminded individuals to create with.
Projects credited in
  • Tab S Event | Samsung
    Tab S Event | SamsungIn 2013, Samsung introduced its new Galaxy Tab-S tablet with Amoled technology and the first screen that brought colours to life. For the launching, we decided to create LIVING COLORS: a live performance that represented the ability of Tab-S to display the colours. The movements of a professional dancer were captured with real-time Kinect technology and so, the colour particles came to life on a videowall.