Saadia Mebchour

Saadia Mebchour

Designer & IllustratorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Lauren Nesbitt
Pip Jamieson
Nicole Chui
Saadia Mebchour

Saadia Mebchour

Designer & IllustratorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Designer & Illustrator focusing on hand drawn type
  • Azeema x Nike London: Nail Decals
    Azeema x Nike London: Nail DecalsI was asked to create nail decal designs by Azeema to celebrate the launch of the Nike Victory Swim Campaign. The decals feature my own illustrations, taking inspiration from the collection.
  • Tabloid Art History Vol. 2 Cover Illustration
    Tabloid Art History Vol. 2 Cover IllustrationI was asked to create the cover for TAH Vol.2. TAH focus on the similarities found in art history and pop culture, mainly referencing visual similarities through tweets and social media posts. The zine was to be a physical discussion of these topics, in such, I created an illustration mirroring The Last Supper - an all female edition for the all female team behind TAH. Alongside this, I also illustrated two features inside of the zine, again pulling on existing paintings for composition and con
Projects credited in
  • AZEEMA Eid Party 2019
    AZEEMA Eid Party 2019We took over WAH Nails for our very first Eid party, bringing together the community to mark and celebrate the end of Ramadan! The evening was filled with a colourful assortment of Middle Eastern and South Asian bites provided by Nandine, Juma Kitchen, Barfia & Zaytoun. In a celebration of cross-cultural appreciation, AZEEMA-inspired henna and nail designs were provided by the talented artists: Huq That, Isna Henna, Nish Shah, Saadia Mebchour and the WAH crew. With a special thanks to Glossier
  • AZEEMA x Nike Victory Swim Launch Event
    AZEEMA x Nike Victory Swim Launch EventIn collaboration with Nike London, we curated and hosted the launch event for the Victory Swim collection, premiering our short film and photo series documenting 6 womxn and their relationship with sport. The evening included a special panel discussion with Khadijah Mellah, Ghaida Ramadan and Jaspreet Kaur, chaired by Nesrine Dally. We also had henna by Huq That, nail decals by Saadia Mebchour and nails by Jess Young, offering designs inspired by the collection.
  • Can't Win. Don't Try
    Can't Win. Don't TryCWDT is a small group of like minded people who all believe in the democratisation of the art industry. For the past two years we have put on 6 exhibitions, showcasing artists from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, giving them an opportunity to stand out. Our shows take place in slightly un orthodox settings, that being night clubs as opposed to gallery spaces. There is also a full roster of DJs throughout the night, creating a truely unique experiene.
  • Mural Painting
  • Sign Painting
  • Signage Design
  • Illustration
  • Ink Illustration
  • Digital Illustration
  • Graphic Design
  • Event Graphics