- “That’s The Most Exciting Thing.”“That’s the most exciting thing” is a solo exhibition which depicts the everyday experiences of the members of the Saltcoats Labour Social Club through video and photographic pieces. Unfortunately, the production of the documentary was cut short due to COVID-19 but it shall continue once it is safe to do so. Having first visited the Labour Social Club in early 2017 for another project, there was an immediate welcoming with open arms. The aim of the documentary was originally to tell the storie
- United We StandUnited We Stand is a glimpse into the story and values of Glasgow United Football Club, a club who campaign for the rights of refugees and are, at their core, a family. Their key tenets include inclusivity, representation, diversity and accessibility. Made in collaboration with Glasgow United FC, Joe Habben, Dominic Manderson, M Deryll Reminton, The Scottish Football Association, The Glasgow School of Art and The Scottish National Team.