Ste Richardsson

Ste Richardsson

WriterDeptford High St, Deptford, London, UK
+ Info


Nile Faure-Bryan
Ste Richardsson

Ste Richardsson

WriterDeptford High St, Deptford, London, UK
Projects credited in
  • Deptford Pride
    Deptford PrideBetween 2018–19 I was co-director of Deptford Pride, a grassroots "micro-pride", supported by both local and LGBT-focused charities. Photography (from 2018 and 2019) by Orlando Myxx, Dino Paciulli and Miles Elliot
  • EF Language Training
    EF Language TrainingA responsive business to business lead generation website. EF are an international language school which train corporate employees in 54 different countries throughout the world and required a site template which could be updated by multiple business units using unique languages. I led the creative team who built the entire project from concept to completion. This included: — Creation of wireframes — Setting the photographic art direction for US, European and Asian markets — Art directing p
  • EF Education First - Tester Wyjazdów Językowych
    EF Education First - Tester Wyjazdów JęzykowychClient: EF Education First