Teddy Dzherekarova

Teddy Dzherekarova

Creative DirectorSofia, Bulgaria
+ Info


Hardeep Bilkhu
Jack Harvie
Teddy Dzherekarova

Teddy Dzherekarova

Creative DirectorSofia, Bulgaria
About me
Multidisiplinary artist. Currently a videographer and video editor. Open for work. Founder of ARTERRA Channel: Art Film Platform showcasing independent artists. https://youtube.com/channel/UCoUvX0lreySmiAttMupSYBg E: teodora.dim.dzherekarova@gmail.com E: arterracontact@gmail.com IG: @teodora.has.a.story. Clients and collaborations: 1883 Magazine House of Content New Boqna Studios ALMA - singer and song writer Yoshitaka Kono - Music Photographer Eric Marillier -Campaign Photographer Cheshire Vintage Wear for ATIKA London BREITLING SUPEROCEAN WATCH for World Of Watch Distributor Karina Popova Mira Mohsen
    ARTERRA ART FILM PLATFORM PRESENTSA minute of an artist's life: Nikolay Totev pains in FRESCO Style Nikolay Totev pains in front of our camera after a long conversation about the philosophy of loneliness. Whether we want it or not art is a philosophy. It can’t be excluded either from the practice or from the inspiration. And so we tease you with a little something about it. Full length coming out end of August. Also, you’ll be able to read about Totev and what he thinks about his practice at vivarte.bg. Maybe even it can provo
  • Karina Popova: Dream or Reality
    Karina Popova: Dream or Reality''Realistically everything comes from one piece of paper … or more. A little bit of memories, a little bit of ideas…'' Our first visit is in the studio of the Sofia-based artist Karina Popova. She shares with us her practice, what inspires her and what has meaning for her in a sensual and intimate manner. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Directed and Produced by VivArte.bg Follow VivArte on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3qrMMOd Read about VivArte on: https
  • FACES OF CHANGE (2021)
The Need For Change
    FACES OF CHANGE (2021) The Need For ChangeThis is a personal project done in the frames of a few months. While working for a foundation in Bulgaria which deals with Erasmus programs I got to know a few fascinating individuals. They all carry different culture, mindset and understanding of the world and one thing uniting us all is ... The Need For Change
    BEER GARDEN PLOVDIV (2020)This project is part of my job as a community creator at Smokinya Foundation. We have stocked up our newly open co-working space and coffee heaven with more than 35 types of beer, Ales & some IPA. The distributor and founder of Beer Therapy is an ex-pat from Japan, who thought beer can be used as therapy and made everything possible to import the finest beers from all over the world. Part of my job is to bring people together with similar interests and life visions and of course anyone is welc
  • SIMPLY BANICA (2020)
    SIMPLY BANICA (2020)This project presents something very Bulgarian. It's one of the most iconic if not the most iconic dish we have. Moved through generations and thousands of hands, yet it never changed. Stayed exactly as it is and carried the spirit of the mighty Bulgarian trips from centuries ago. It's called Banica. Pasty filled with white cheese and butter. So simple yet has so much to it. IG @rossiecooks cooked it and I just couldn't wait to eat the warm and crispy deliciousness! Almost forgot to photograph
    SOFIA'S CREATIVES (2020)In the midst of the pandemic, myself and Iliqn a local makeup artist from Sofia, Bulgaria decided to abuse the circumstances and make a little something while the lockdown was on. IG: Gog.off
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Projects credited in
  • Bulgarian Rhapsody - The Fall Magazine - AW2020 - A Story of Colour
    Bulgarian Rhapsody - The Fall Magazine - AW2020 - A Story of ColourA 12-page story in The Fall Magazine's AW2020 Edition, spanning editorial portraiture, and candid environmental captures. Shot on Pentacon Six TL, Canon Sureshot; Kodak Portra 160.
Work history
    The Wedding Gallery logo
    The Wedding Gallery logo
    PhotogpherThe Wedding Gallery
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Second photographer and videographer. Currently, the activities are carried out in the mountains of Bulgaria or different venues in London or Italy.
    ATIKA London logo
    ATIKA London logo
    PhotographerATIKA London
    London, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Photography
  • Editorial Photography
  • Portrait Photography
  • Proactive
  • Studio Lighting
  • Studio Assistance
  • Content Creation
  • Studio Photography
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
    BA (Hons) Drama and Social ScienceKingston University London
     - London, United Kingdom
    Learned the practicality and cultural as well as experimental contemporary contexts of theatre, performing arts and film production. The degree enabled me to perform in the iconic Rose Theatre, produce and execute an independent performance as well a graduation year group project performance. The Drama and Social Science degree has given me a strong foundation and understanding of complicated concepts, peoples communication and creative processes.