Tim Sonmez

Tim Sonmez

PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Rachel Bailey
Zeinab Batchelor
Bilimae Latimer
Tim Sonmez

Tim Sonmez

PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Campaign Marketing: 'Featured by Lonely Planet Great Britain' sticker outreach
    Campaign Marketing: 'Featured by Lonely Planet Great Britain' sticker outreachI was the marketing lead for this campaign that saw me coordinate the printing and sending of branded window stickers to all Lonely Planet businesses featured in the 12th edition of Lonely Planet's Great Britain travel guide. This campaign was coupled with a social media competition and created a buzz of excitement. We had 150+ social posts of businesses sharing their sticker and featured in local news stories both online and in print. This is in addition to a handwritten note from the Bishop
  • British Airways
    British Airways
  • Alternative destinations to escape the crowds in Western Europe
    Alternative destinations to escape the crowds in Western EuropeA 1000-word article on I pitched and wrote for lonelyplanet.com on visiting the lesser-known sights and cities of Western Europe in the hopes of tackling overtourism.