Yasmine Heinel

Yasmine Heinel

Freelance ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Jhonny Núñez
Nygilia K. McClain
Yasmine Heinel

Yasmine Heinel

Freelance ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hey! I'm Yasmine, a DJ and music producer from London. My inspiration comes from the energetic embrace music can give to art. The relationship between audio and visual is what I base most of my work from, combining soundtracks to the symbiotic imagery, raving it up in After Effects and Cinema 4D
  • Yazzus - Boiler Room
    Yazzus - Boiler RoomI perform under the alias Yazzus for my dj sets and productions. Was great playing my first ever BR so watch below to catch the madness!!
  • Hardcore Junglist Lyric Video Test
    Hardcore Junglist Lyric Video Testa fun experiment to an energetic jungle track produced by Slick Shoota. Used after effects only CONTAINS FLASHING IMAGES
  • Motion Graphics Reel 2017
    Motion Graphics Reel 2017a highlights reel of previous work during my time at uni
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Projects credited in
  • Rave Litany
    Rave LitanyA SERMON DELIVERED IN HARDCORE Rave Litany is a new event series in Tottenham showcasing forward-thinking artists dabbling with ‘rave revivalist’ sounds. DJs are tasked with selecting tracks which address the question: “What does rave music sound like now / what will it sound like 50 years from today?”
Work history
    VICE logo
    VICE logo
    Motion Graphics DesignerVICE
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    animating Snapchat stories for Vice content
    Apple logo
    Apple logo
     - 235 Regent St, Mayfair, London W1B 2EL, UKFull Time
  • Motion Graphics
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Cinema 4D
  • Abode Premiere
  • Abelton Live
  • Music Producer
  • DJ
  • Radio Presenter
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    BA (Hons) Interaction Design ArtsUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
     - London SE1 6SB, UK
    Here I taught myself 3D animation and uncovered my long lost dream to make music. My final year I wrote my thesis on subcultures, which inspires my music today and my final projects got me to explore how music and art can link together