Any advice for someone who wants to one day become a professional mural artist? How can I get my artwork noticed/ gain experience?


  • @Maja Nenadov Will check these out soon, thanks so much Maja, really appreciated!! x
    I appreciate all the replies you guys are amazing thank you !!!
  • @Kate Lehane Thanks Kate, that's really valuable advice! Will aim to find some local artists and get some experience with them if possible, great idea! x
  • @David Speed Will definitely have a listen to this podcast for some inspiration, I know I've got a long way to go before this is my business/career and working for free to build up my portfolio seems like a great idea to get things going for me. Thanks for the reply David!! x
  • @Octavia Beazley Wow, this is a fantastic idea! Definitely will consider doing this, I guess it's really important to build up my portfolio and practice lots and lots. Thank you Octavia! x
  • Childrens bedrooms are a great place to start, do you have any friends who would like a mural feature wall? Do you go out and paint in the street? If you notice a wall crying out for a makeover in your local area, ask the shop or yoga studio or whatever it is, if they'd like a mural inside or outside of their premises. If you can get the paint expenses covered, this will allow you to create some content for your portfolio without breaking the bank too much.
  • This is a big question!
    I did a lot of free work to build my portfolio- (when working for free you decide the artwork!). Try and get materials paid. As you build and meet more people opportunities will present!
    As Pip mentioned - lots of advice to building a creative business on the Creative Rebels podcast x
  • I'm not a muralist but I would recommend creating and sharing your work online and just keep being consistant with sharing mural content. Ulitmately it doesn't matter if you've been hired for the job before if you demonstrate you have the skills needed to do the work! I'd also recommend reaching out to muralists and asking if you can assit them on a job/ go along to learn for free to build experience.

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