Early stage mental health startup looking for freelance illustrators to collaborate on assets for our rebrand.



  • Hello Karina, that sounds like a really interesting project. I'm a London based illustrator who is currently available.

    Recently I worked with the charity Girls Speak, illustrating for their launch and mental health reports. The project can be found here: https://www.evearcher.com/filter/editorial/Girls-Speak-MH

    My portfolio can be found at https://www.instagram.com/archer_eve/ and https://evearcher.com/

    Please feel free to email me at eve-archer@hotmail.com

  • Hi Karina!
    I have worked as a Clinical psychologist before illustrating full time seven years ago. I also have some experience creating assets for applications.
    You can check my projects here at The Dots. You can find me here if you need som additional info.
  • Good morning Karina,

    I love the sound of this project as I always incoporate mental health within my animations and work in general. Here is my website, please feel free to contact me if you think I could be the right fit.

    A good day to you,
  • Hi Karina,

    My name is Yvonne and I am a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. As a designer my main aim is to help brands and small businesses with positive impact initiatives to visually communicate.

    I have seen your website and I love your project! Please check out my portfolio (http://yvonneredin.com) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/yvonneredin/) to see some examples of my work.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My email is hola@yvonneredin.com


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