Hello, I'm working towards a career in illustration, could anyone recommend how to gain experience?


I'm working towards a career in illustration, could anyone recommend how to gain experience for someone with no current experience or formal education. I am currently practising and working on my skillset at home.

Thank you!


  • @Raafaye Ali Thank you, that's really interesting and helpful to gain insight. I appreciate you taking the time to share, thank you.
  • @Jessica Tonge development and research entail reading/documentries about those topics which will give you far more depth into what ever your project is; allowing you to produce something with more meaning behind it. Drawing a pretty image just doesn’t cut it any more. Utilise you’re skills to explain something through a visual language. A lot of my stuff usually entails my politics or what I’m learning intellectually then giving it a visual representation. Seek out what you are passionate about beyond illustration then bring illustration to that.
  • @Raafaye Ali Thank you this is really useful advice! Love that idea, do you have any tips for the development and research stage please?
  • @Eileen Boeijkens Hello, I'm just in the process of setting one up. Here is what I have so far: www.jessicaheidi.co.uk :)
  • create dream briefs for yourself, who would you wish to be commisioned by? then create a project based entirely on that. just make sure you do the development and research which are invaluable, some times illustrators rush to final execution without the trail and error part. so 3 potential roots then focusing on the strongest etc the post them up and keep doing projects with the same mentality. set yourself a brief which you would like to do then answer your own brief with your creativity.

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