Hey, check out my online portfolio! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :) https://www.danielrobinson.site


  • @Daniel Robinson Love the variety through out your work, the 'How dirty are you?' Campaign stood out most for me, amazing images presented so beautifully!
  • @Daniella Gyambibi Oh great thanks for letting me know! I need to adjust it for adjust the mobile site without changing the desktop site too much :S Thank you for taking the time! :)
  • @Kid Circus That's a good point, It's linked as a pop up contact form to the email icon with the socials, but it could do with being visible on the page too! Thank you so much :)
  • The two images on your landing page are ace. I really like them. Really good introduction to your style and aesthetic.

    On your Contact page, although you provide the various links/socials, people I would still consider adding your email address to the page, say directly underneath the 'Based in London' wording.

    A couple of other things sprang to mind, but more than happy to chat in DM. :)
  • This is a beautiful portfolio! It’s very aesthetically pleasing and I love the scrolling text at the bottom.

    The only thing I would mention is that on a mobile phone, the text on your ‘about’ and ‘contact’ pages might be too small for some. Personally I do prefer small text so it’s not an issue for me, but could be slightly inconvenient for others. I can’t say if it’s the same for a computer though (I used my mobile to access the page) so maybe check that as well.

    Otherwise, really well done! I love it :)

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