Hey everyone! I’m keen to transition into copywriting & would love to know of any junior/entry level copywriting roles and/or schemes


  • Hey Shanae, great tips from Jamil - here are some more: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/work-get-vikki-ross?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via
  • @Daniel Hawley-Lingham tbh, I’m not! However, as a writer I know that it’s in my best interests to understand how AI can be used to my advantage. However, I’m still hopeful that there will always be a need for a human mind 😅
  • Hi Shanaé,

    I’m Jamil from The Dots! Here are my top tips to help you find work:

    1. Follow your favourite companies so you’re the first to know when they post jobs and call-outs:

    2. Build your network by connecting with people you already know, and people you want to know! (fun fact: 50-80% of jobs are filled through networking):

    Oh, and your newsfeed is the place to discover all the best opportunities to network, find work and more:

    I hope that helps!


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