Hi guys, just put my new animation showreel together. Would love some feedback if anyone has time : ) Thanks! https://vimeo.com/861256627


  • @Veronika Raoul Hi Veronika, thanks so much for trying! Not sure why its not working, hopefully this does:
  • @Ed Guillaume-Smith Hi Ed, wow thanks so much for the feedback! I'm so glad you like the style, and the mix media. I really appreciate you reaching out. Also, I wish that was me in the video, it was a professional model for a jewellery campaign haha : )
  • Wow Hazal, this is amazing (the link in your comment worked btw)!!

    So impressive, I really like your use of mixed media. Your work has really nice texture and I love the art style.

    It’s great how you display your ability to use different mediums like stop motion and 2D digital animation. It still feels very cohesive though and true to your style/vision. All the motion is very impressive too. It cuts to the music nicely. And great to use a photo of yourself in the opening in a creative way. Well done 👏

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