How would you deal with a passive-aggressive and (at times) patronising boss?
- Sorry you’re dealing with this Lisa. Best thing I think is to prioritise how you are taking care of and handling yourself throughout, because you’re the one that has to deal with it (I.E. focus on you, not them!). I’ve one podcast episode which might help…’s not the perfect fit but it might be useful x
- I've been there before, it's really miserable! I'd say your first option is just to move on and try and leave on good terms if possible but that's easier said than done.If you like your job otherwise then I'm a fan of killing them with kindness and taking the higher ground. Ask to speak to your boss and say you've noticed they don't seem too happy with X or X and is there anything you can do to improve? You probably haven't done anything wrong at all BUT it will make them realise that their behaviour is noticable and having an impact without giving them any fuel to continue behaving this way towards you.
- @richard murdoch is this your boss?
- How would YOU deal with that, sweetheart?
- No-one needs that and more often that not it really elaborates that this 'boss' has no idea how to manage a team and deal with the workload. That isn't an evironment someone who wants to progress in their career and who takes pride in their work can thrive in, so I would say.. look for that next step in your career.These types of people are important life lessons, so take the experience with you but use it as way of inspiriation, not a negative impact.
- By quitting.
- Breath. Smile. Continue your work with a clear head. You don’t need the negativity so do your best to not dwell on it.If it continues calmly tell them you would appreciate it if they spoke to you in kinder manner, that you feel it is effecting you negatively. They should be able to take the feedback on board.If your not comfortable with that approach another senior member of staff of discuss it.
- Leave!
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