I can't see how to add a new project anymore, is there a limit to the number of projects you can have?


  • It seems I cant add project at all... I try to add it and after I click publish now it doesnt get published
  • @Pip Jamieson Thanks so much for the reply Pip, just saw the new link and added another project, no problem at all. Thanks!
  • Thank you @Ben the Illustrator and @Pip Jamieson ! Yes, it does help!
  • Hi @Ben the Illustrator, @Lidia Lesiak @Nicolae Negura - Thank you so much for the feedback on the new profiles, and I'm so sorry we made this far from clear. We just pushed live an update this morning, that should make it much easier. Thanks you so much again. Pip
  • @Nicolae Negura Found the solution... "If you click on one of your current project and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen, theres a button that says 'Add Project', hope that helps!"

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