I'm a motion designer trying to set up a portfolio website, seeking simple suggestions to make it better :)

Hey guys,
I'm trying to showcase my past work on a website, the key point is to keep it super simple and easy. feel free to let me know if there's anything I can imporve in this adding the site here: https://www.rashiying.com/
TIA! :)


  • Hey @Mauricio Munoz , thanks for the feedback! I totally agree with you, I’m already working on it with the mobile-friendly update. And yep, I’m cutting together a snazzy reel of my projects, I’ll also be sure to tighten up the leading in the about section and update the copyright date. Thanks again for your keen eye and helpful suggestions! :)
  • Great work in there. I think your site could benefit from being responsive, oftenr directors are on the go and would look at things on a mobile.
    I found the graphic elements dotted around the site unnecesary and distrancting. Would probably re-order the top navigation to one side and logo opposite, also logo could benfit from being bolder, more 'visible'.
    Also think about creating a reel with extracts of your work, almost like a teaser that plays on a loop as soon as you get to your site. We want to see motion straight away. Think about it like a teaser...
    on the about section, watch out for leading. And don't forget to update the date on your © at the bottom.
    Best of luck.
  • @Alessandra Leone
    Hey Alessandra.
    I gave the GIF thumbnail a go, but it seems a bit hurried—probably a side effect of my quirky layout skills, haha! I’m toying with the idea of having the GIF play on hover too. Thanks a bunch for your feedback; it’s super helpful! :)
  • @Gonzalo Silvela Hey Gonzo! Thanks for the heads-up on the horizontal scrolling issue. I’ll definitely take a look and get that sorted out. Really appreciate you taking the time to check out my work and for the valuable feedback. Hope you have an awesome day too! :D
  • Hi Rashi!
    looking very nice !
    Not sure if the platform/similar you are currently using supports that... but maybe you could make gifs of each vid/project and use these as thumbnails for the projects. I think it makes everything very dynamic and eye-catchy.
    And maybe your logo top center could link to the homepage (for instance when you are in the /About section, to go back there without using browser buttons).
    Watch out for your page width/padding etc. I think it is currently cropping the thumbnails gallery left and right (see https://imgur.com/a/mRuzypY). To see it fully I need to zoom out to 67% or so (https://imgur.com/rMM7e1U).
    Hope it helps!


  • Hey Rashi! Gonzo here. I was just looking at your portfolio. I looks amazing! Just one thing I found: there's something about the horizontal scrolling, it doesn't seem to be working right and some of your work gets cut off.
    Just check that out! Have a great day!

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