I'm an illustrator with a colourful and energetic style. I would love some feedback on my portfolio website.



  • @John Hogan Hi John,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to check out my website and sending my your feedback. I really appreciate it. :-)
  • Hi Ida, Ive had a good look, and here is my constructive advice.

    1. Anything moving (like your text) is not very usuer friendly to look at, its not neccesssary and is visually confusing, If i was you I would make it static and reduce its size.

    2. Pick 3 -4 of your best peices and place them on your front page. (and rebew them now and again)

    3. Choose your work carefully. Some of your work doesn't need to be on your site. Do you really want those small editorial illustrations. They are not as strong as your other work,, maybe consider taking them out.published pieces are good but make sure they are setup for the web correctly as some of them appear unsharp, this is probably down to your sizing. I would also remove the research tab. Lastly, you need at least 20 + images on your site.

    I hope this helps.


  • @laura jewell Thank you so much for being nosy and for sending me your kind words. It means a lot to! :-)
  • @Lisa Hassell Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for your message and sending me your courses. They indeed look very interesting. I'm actually comfortable with some of the topics you cover. However, I find your portfolio review intreguing. I'm looking to find out how current trends/ demand overlaps with my style and in this vain, how to best showcase my work. Would you cover something like that?
  • H Ida,

    We spoke a little while ago - I run portfolio crits for illustrators every Wednesday. I'm fully booked for August but here's a link to grab a space in September:



    DM me if you have any questions. I have also linked you up to a post I published earlier in the month about our group coaching programme, which will delve into getting hired, pricing and self promotion. We start on August 17th :)

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