I'm looking for someone to create some branded Google slides templates for a client project, if anyone can help for a day?
- Hi, I would love to help ! I have plenty of slides experience, the last deck I made was for Sony Music. My website is justinevhm.com and I can send over some deck examples. My email is justinehydemobbs@gmail.comThanks,Justine
- Hi Vanessa,I'd love to help!I'm a graphic designer with over 5 years of experience and I have designed for brands such as Adobe, itsu and Contiki.Feel free to check out my portfolio: https://www.juliasabiniarz.com/ and get in touch with me: contact@juliasabiniarz.com
- Hi Vanessa, I am experienced in creating Google slides for brands, and I would love to help you with yours.You can see my work at ainafontich.net and I can send over presentation samples of my work if you're interested.Best,Aina
- Hey Vanessa,If you’re still looking I’d love to help out with creating the templates :) I’m a freelance graphic designer and lately, I have been working on editorial deck presentation.You can see some of my work here: www.instagram.com/studio.ancaPlease share more details about your project :) You can reach me at hello@ancastudio.co.ukAll the best,Anna
- Hi Vanessa,I'd be a great fit. For more information about my work, please visit my website: https://cumaarslan.com/Feel free to send me a message.Thanks
- Hi Vanessa, should be able to help you with this!
- Hi Vanessa,I'm a freelance Art Director & Graphic Designer that specialises in branding, editorial, typography and web design. Feel free to shoot me a message to chat about things in more detail. You can see my work at www.ramedays.com and get in touch with me through nathday@ramedays.com.Good luck with it all and hope to hear from you soon!Nath :)
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