I’m trying to get established as a freelance copywriter living in rural Norfolk. Any constructive advice from experienced writers? Or jobs


  • Joins us over on twitter for #contentclubuk every Tuesday from 11 we all a nice bunch of creatives (honest). Also when everything is back to normal check out #copywritersunite here it on twitter for copywriting events near you.
  • There's some useful advice/intel on (another) Hannah's blog about going freelance. https://www.hannahdesmondcopywriter.com/blog-1
  • Finding small businesses you like and helping them improve their webiste / about page copy is a nice way to start a portfolio. You might do it for free/little/in kind to begin with, but you'll build good relationships, it will generate reccomendations and you'll have lots to show when you're ready to move on to bigger brands and agencies. Plus, you'll have helped small businesses you genuinely support. (I'm talking your local cafe, a boutique, independent hair salon - not a venture capitalist backed start up or Coca Cola - that would be exploitation.)
  • Hi Hannah,

    I'm sharing any jobs I see on LinkedIn - just view my profile for latest shares. And here's an article I wrote last year, which may be of interest/help:

  • Hi Hannah,
    Me too! Do you have Facebook? We could connect there. I'm currently taking 2 copywriting courses, so have a fair amount to share. :)
  • Hi Hannah, I've been freelancing fro a writer for over a year now and nowhave a blog with tips on the freelance lifestyle. This post in particualr may be of interest to you: https://remireports.com/how-to-become-a-freelancer-top-9-tips/
  • @Laura Chapman This is where I need feedback and advice too! I have a website https://indigoskycreative.wixsite.com/blog and am very active on instagram as @indigoskycreativemedia and @indigoskyvintage. I guess I need to really put up on the website examples of work I have done. Many are on my instagram page but some of my writing I now only have as hard printed final products. I should photograph them and add to the site too.
  • @Laura Chapman Thank you for your reply. I definitely need to sit down and email some local companies outlining what I can do. I am getting some coaching but advice from those already in the business is so helpful. Feel free to keep me in mind when you need a copywriter!
  • Hey! Network and meet up with other local agencies and freelancers. Work with small local agencies who need your skills to expand their services and offer referral fees to other freelancers. Hope this helps. We’re often needing great and keen copywritiers for our clients!

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