I would like some advice as to how to put together a graphic design portfolio. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  • The best advice I can give for a design portfolio is:
    - No matter how good the portfolio looks, it is the work and projects that will make it and exciting portfolio to view. Make sure you photograph, display and write about your work as well as you can.
    - Keep the design simple, it should be easy to navigate and easy to scan quickly.
    - Lastly, avoid feeling like every generic portfolio template by adding small details that express you personality. My studio site is fairly simple and refined but I've added small colourful details that offset the seriousness with touches of fun. (www.michael-arnold.co.uk)
  • If you're already using Adobe, you can create a free online portfolio that's connected to Creative Cloud: https://portfolio.adobe.com/ This could be an easy option!

    I think it's good to share more of what you would like to attract, so pick projects you've really enjoyed and would love to continue.
  • Have you read @Craig Oldham's book Oh Sh!t What Now? It's great and offers loads of advice.

    Check out D&AD's New Blood briefs - you might find some to inspire you to create spec work: https://www.dandad.org/en/d-ad-new-blood-awards/

    And here's some advice for copywriters but lots of it applies to all creative roles: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/work-get-vikki-ross/?trackingId=9a1nveGkS3uJepdNWA0Lwg%3D%3D
  • Hey André,

    It’s Nice That and AIGA Eye on Design have written loads of articles about creating portfolios!

    Here’s a good piece: https://www.itsnicethat.com/features/the-graduates-2020-how-to-put-together-an-authentic-portfolio-of-work-250620

    Hope this helps ✌🏻👩🏻‍💻

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